| Oakton Instruments PD 650 pH/Dissolved Oxygen Meter Code:PD650 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 12880 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00606-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Zero oxygen calibration solution, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH/ORP electrode storage solution, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH/ORP electrode cleaning solution, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 1500 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-15 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 84 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-16 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 1413 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-18 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 2764 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 23 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-23 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 2070 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-27 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 80mS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-32 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 447 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-47 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 15000 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity standard calibration solution 8974 µS, 1 pint Code:WD-00653-89 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 4.01 calibration buffer, 1 pint Code:WD-00654-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 1.68 calibration buffer, 1 pint Code:WD-00654-01 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 7.00 calibration buffer, 1 pint Code:WD-00654-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 10.00 calibration buffer, 1 pint Code:WD-00654-08 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 12.45 calibration buffer, 1 pint Code:WD-00654-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Transformer for Fan, for use in 220VAC Code:WD-01578-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD plug Code:WD-02186-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermohygrometer, Wall Mount, Basic Code:WD-03313-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Anaroid Barometer, Inches Hg, Temp Code:WD-03316-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Anaroid Barometer, mm Hg, Temp Code:WD-03316-72 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Barometer/Thermometer Digital Temp Code:WD-03316-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Buffer, pH 4.01, 4 Liter Code:WD-05942-24 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| High Accuracy Solution pH 4.00 Code:WD-05942-26 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Buffer, pH 7.00, 4 Liter Code:WD-05942-44 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| High Accuracy Solution pH 7.00 Code:WD-05942-46 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Buffer, pH 10.00, 4 Liter Code:WD-05942-64 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| High Accuracy Solution pH 10.00 Code:WD-05942-66 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| BNC/Spade Lug adaptor for pre-amp Code:WD-05994-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Adapter, BNC to Spade lug connector for controllers and transmitters Code:WD-05994-90 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Sample Bottle for Kits Code:WD-06758-49 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| General Purpose Probe, T Code:WD-08113-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Piercing Probe, T Code:WD-08113-45 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Surface Probe, T Code:WD-08113-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Air Probe, T Code:WD-08113-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Low-mass Surface Probe, T Code:WD-08113-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, Bendable 4" T Code:WD-08113-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, K, Coiled Cable Code:WD-08114-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, J, Coiled Cable Code:WD-08114-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, T, Coiled Cable Code:WD-08114-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, K, SS Braided Cable Code:WD-08115-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, J, SS Braided Cable Code:WD-08115-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, T, SS Braided Cable Code:WD-08115-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| General Purpose Probe J Code:WD-08116-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Piercing Probe, J Code:WD-08116-45 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Surface Probe, J Code:WD-08116-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Air Probe, J Code:WD-08116-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Low-mass Surface Probe, J Code:WD-08116-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, Bendable 4" J Code:WD-08116-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| General Purpose Probe K Code:WD-08117-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Piercing Probe, K Code:WD-08117-45 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Surface Probe, K Code:WD-08117-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Air Probe, K Code:WD-08117-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Low-mass Surface Probe, K Code:WD-08117-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, Bendable 4" K Code:WD-08117-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Gen Purp. 10" Code:WD-08117-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Gen Purp. 18" Code:WD-08117-72 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Bendable Gen Purp. 10" Code:WD-08117-73 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Bendable Gen Purp. 18" Code:WD-08117-74 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Surface Code:WD-08117-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Needle Code:WD-08117-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Penetration Code:WD-08117-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Teflon Gen Purp. 10" Code:WD-08117-87 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Alligator Clip, SS cable Code:WD-08117-89 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Air/Gas Code:WD-08117-90 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 10 FT Extension Lead Code:WD-08117-92 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 25 FT Extension Lead Code:WD-08117-93 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Compact, Oven, SS cable Code:WD-08117-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Bendable, SS cable, 9" Code:WD-08117-97 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Bendable, SS cable, 12" Code:WD-08117-98 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RTD Probe, Bendable, SS cable, 18" Code:WD-08117-99 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper, Hygrothermograph, 2 or 3 speed, F, 1 day, For WD-37250-00,10 Code:WD-08368-11 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper, Hygrothermograph, 2 or 3 speed, F, 7 day, For WD-37250-00,10 Code:WD-08368-21 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper, Hygrothermograph, 3 speed, F, 32 day, For WD-37250-00 Code:WD-08368-23 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper, Hygrothermograph, 2 or 3 speed, C, 1 day, For WD-37250-00,10 Code:WD-08368-31 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper, Hygrothermograph, 2 or 3 speed, C, 7 day, For WD-37250-00,10 Code:WD-08368-41 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper, Hygrothermograph, 3 speed, C, 32 day, For WD-37250-00 Code:WD-08368-43 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Red Pen For Hygrothermograph 6pk Code:WD-08368-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Hygrothermograph, Minidrum, Glass dome Code:WD-08369-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper for WD-08369-70, WD-08368-50, C Code:WD-08369-56 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Chart Paper for WD-08369-70, WD-08368-50, F Code:WD-08369-61 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Hygrothermograph, Minidrum Code:WD-08369-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe K 0.005" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-01 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe K 0.01" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe K 0.02" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe K 0.032" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe J 0.005" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe J 0.01" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-07 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe J 0.02" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-09 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe J 0.032" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe T 0.005" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-41 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe T 0.01" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-42 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe T 0.02" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-44 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Wire Probe T 0.032" Dia. 5pk Code:WD-08419-45 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen Purp Low Cost J Code:WD-08439-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen Purp Low Cost K Code:WD-08439-62 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen Purp Low Cost T Code:WD-08439-64 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Low Cost J Code:WD-08439-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Low Cost K Code:WD-08439-72 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Low Cost T Code:WD-08439-74 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration Low Cost J Code:WD-08439-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration Low Cost K Code:WD-08439-82 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration Low Cost T Code:WD-08439-84 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Air/Gas Low Cost J Code:WD-08439-90 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Air/Gas Low Cost K Code:WD-08439-92 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Air/Gas Low Cost T Code:WD-08439-94 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen Purp Teflon, Low Cost J Code:WD-08441-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen Purp Teflon Low Cost K Code:WD-08441-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen Purp Teflon Low Cost T Code:WD-08441-14 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip, Flexible PVC J 20gauge Code:WD-08466-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip, Flexible PVC K 20gauge Code:WD-08466-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip, Flexible PVC T 20gauge Code:WD-08466-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible PVC J 20gauge Code:WD-08466-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible PVC K 20gauge Code:WD-08466-24 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible PVC T 20gauge Code:WD-08466-26 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip, Flexible Teflon J 24gauge Code:WD-08466-81 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip, Flexible Teflon K 24gauge Code:WD-08466-82 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip, Flexible Teflon T 24gauge Code:WD-08466-83 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Fiberglass J 20gauge Code:WD-08467-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Fiberglass K 20gauge Code:WD-08467-24 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Ceramic, Flexible Fiberglass K 20gauge Code:WD-08467-64 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Molten Metal Probe, K Code:WD-08468-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Alligator Clip, 2" SS 10ft. cable J Code:WD-08468-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Alligator Clip, 2" SS 10ft. cable K Code:WD-08468-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Alligator Clip, 2" SS 10ft. cable T Code:WD-08468-24 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Alligator Clip, 2" PVC 5ft.cable J Code:WD-08469-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Alligator Clip, 2" PVC 5ft.cable K Code:WD-08469-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Alligator Clip, 2" PVC 5ft.cable T Code:WD-08469-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 0.44-1.00" Dia. J SS cable Code:WD-08469-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 0.44-1.00" Dia. K SS cable Code:WD-08469-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 0.44-1.00" Dia. T SS cable Code:WD-08469-24 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 0.5-1.5" Dia. J SS cable Code:WD-08469-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 0.5-1.5" Dia. K SS cable Code:WD-08469-32 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 0.5-1.5" Dia. T SS cable Code:WD-08469-34 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 1.25-2.25" Dia. J SS cable Code:WD-08469-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 1.25-2.25" Dia. K SS cable Code:WD-08469-42 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Hose clamp, 1.25-2.25" Dia. T SS cable Code:WD-08469-44 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Velcro strap, 8" PVC 10ft. Cable, J Code:WD-08469-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Velcro strap, 8" PVC 10ft. Cable, K Code:WD-08469-82 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Velcro strap, 8" PVC 10ft. Cable, T Code:WD-08469-84 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Extension Lead f/ 400 series thermistors, 25 Ft. Code:WD-08491-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Extension Lead f/ 400 series thermistors, 50 Ft. Code:WD-08491-01 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, gen purpose Code:WD-08491-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, 100 ft. gen purpose Code:WD-08491-03 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, 50 ft. gen purpose Code:WD-08491-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, sm. Flex. Vinyl Code:WD-08491-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, SS liquid immersion, 5/32" Code:WD-08491-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, SS liquid immersion 1/8" Code:WD-08491-07 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, 316 SS Air temp Code:WD-08491-08 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, 316 flat disc Code:WD-08491-09 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, attach. Epoxy disk Code:WD-08491-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, sm. Surface Code:WD-08491-11 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, pipe fitting, 1/8MNPT Code:WD-08491-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, pyrex® liq. Immersion Code:WD-08491-13 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, pipe fitting, 1/8MNPT, short Code:WD-08491-14 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, 316 SS penetration Code:WD-08491-16 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe, 400 thermistor, sm. Flex, nylon, epoxy Code:WD-08491-17 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 4.5" Gen. Purp. T Code:WD-08500-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, T Code:WD-08500-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface 45 deg., T Code:WD-08500-61 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Small Dia. T Code:WD-08500-62 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Compact 90 deg., T Code:WD-08500-63 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface 90 deg., T Code:WD-08500-64 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration, 4.5"T Code:WD-08500-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Heavy Duty Penetration, 6" T Code:WD-08500-67 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Fitting, 12", T fiberglass 6ft cable Code:WD-08500-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Fitting, 4", T fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08500-71 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Plug, 1/4", T fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08500-73 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| High-Pressure Pipe Plug Probe T Code:WD-08500-74 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Air/Gas, T Code:WD-08500-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Furnace, Heavy Duty 36" T Code:WD-08500-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Bolt-on, T SS cable Code:WD-08500-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Dropping Surface, Magnetic, T PVC Code:WD-08500-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Roller Surface Probe T Code:WD-08500-95 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 12", Flex Sheath, T Code:WD-08500-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. T w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08505-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. T w/standard connectors Code:WD-08505-32 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 25ft. T w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08505-35 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 25ft. T w/standard connectors Code:WD-08505-37 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 50ft. T w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08505-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 50ft. T w/standard connectors Code:WD-08505-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen. Purp., Small Dia. J Code:WD-08505-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen. Purp., Small Dia. K Code:WD-08505-56 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen. Purp., Small Dia. T Code:WD-08505-57 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Food Service Gen. Purp., 8" J, Small Dia, All SS Code:WD-08505-61 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Food Service Gen. Purp., 8" K, Small Dia, All SS Code:WD-08505-62 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Food Service Gen. Purp., 8" T, Small Dia, All SS Code:WD-08505-63 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Kapton T 30gauge Code:WD-08505-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Kapton K 30gauge Code:WD-08505-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Kapton J 30gauge Code:WD-08505-87 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Epoxy Tip Flexible PVC, T Code:WD-08505-90 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, 2.25" K Code:WD-08505-92 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, 2.25" T Code:WD-08505-93 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, Micro 0.75" T Code:WD-08505-95 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, Micro 0.75" K Code:WD-08505-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Needle, Micro, 0.75" J Code:WD-08505-97 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Implant, Fast Response, Fine gauge, Teflon, w/23Ga. needles T Code:WD-08506-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Implant, Fine gauge, Teflon, w/18Ga. needles T Code:WD-08506-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Disc Surface, T Code:WD-08506-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, Micro, 90 deg. T Code:WD-08506-95 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen. Purp., 4.5" E Code:WD-08512-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, E Code:WD-08512-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration, 4.5" E Code:WD-08512-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| T/C/ Probe Air Temp E Code:WD-08512-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Fiberglass J 24gauge Code:WD-08512-81 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Fiberglass K 24gauge Code:WD-08512-82 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Fiberglass T 24gauge Code:WD-08512-83 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Roller Surface, E Code:WD-08512-95 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 12", Flex Sheath, E Code:WD-08512-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, SS cable Low Cost K Code:WD-08514-66 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Bolt-on, K fiberglass cable Code:WD-08514-84 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| T/C Probe, K, SS Cable, Bolt-on Code:WD-08514-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Dropping Surface, Magnetic, K SS Code:WD-08514-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Flexible PVC, J Code:WD-08515-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Flexible PVC, K Code:WD-08515-01 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Flexible PVC, T Code:WD-08515-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. K w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08516-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. K w/standard connectors Code:WD-08516-32 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 25ft. K w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08516-35 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 25ft. K w/standard connectors Code:WD-08516-37 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 50ft. K w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08516-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 50ft. K w/standard connectors Code:WD-08516-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen. Purp., 4.5" K Code:WD-08516-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, K Code:WD-08516-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface 45 deg., K Code:WD-08516-61 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Small Dia. K Code:WD-08516-62 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Compact 90 deg., K Code:WD-08516-63 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface 90 deg., K Code:WD-08516-64 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration, 4.5" K Code:WD-08516-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Heavy Duty Penetration, 6" K Code:WD-08516-67 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Fitting, 12", K fiberglass 6ft cable Code:WD-08516-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Fitting, 4", K fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08516-71 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Plug, 1/4", K fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08516-73 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, High Pressure Pipe Plug, 1/4", K fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08516-74 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Air/Gas, K Code:WD-08516-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Furnace, Heavy Duty 36" K Code:WD-08516-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Teflon J 24gauge Code:WD-08516-81 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Teflon K 24gauge Code:WD-08516-82 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Teflon T 24gauge Code:WD-08516-83 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Bolt-on, K SS cable Code:WD-08516-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Dropping Surface, Magnetic, K PVC Code:WD-08516-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Roller Surface, K Code:WD-08516-95 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 12", Flex Sheath, K Code:WD-08516-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 25", Flex Sheath, K Code:WD-08516-97 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. J, w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08517-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. J, w/standard connectors Code:WD-08517-32 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 25ft. J w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08517-35 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 25ft. J w/standard connectors Code:WD-08517-37 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 50ft. J w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08517-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 50ft. J w/standard connectors Code:WD-08517-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Gen. Purp., 4.5" J Code:WD-08517-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, J Code:WD-08517-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface 45 deg., J Code:WD-08517-61 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Small Dia. J Code:WD-08517-62 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Compact 90 deg., J Code:WD-08517-63 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface 90 deg., J Code:WD-08517-64 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Penetration, 4" J Code:WD-08517-65 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Heavy Duty Penetration, 6" J Code:WD-08517-67 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Fitting, 12", J fiberglass 6ft cable Code:WD-08517-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Fitting, 4", J fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08517-71 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Pipe Plug, 1/4", J fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08517-73 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, High Pressure Pipe Plug, 1/4", J fiberglass 5ft cable Code:WD-08517-74 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Air/Gas, J Code:WD-08517-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Furnace, Heavy Duty 36" J Code:WD-08517-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Bolt-on, J SS cable Code:WD-08517-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Dropping Surface, Magnetic, J PVC Code:WD-08517-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Exposed Tip, Flexible Kapton J 24gauge Code:WD-08517-90 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Roller Surface, J Code:WD-08517-95 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 12", Flex Sheath, J Code:WD-08517-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC probe, 25", Flex Sheath, J Code:WD-08517-97 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Flat-Leaf, J Code:WD-08518-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Flat-Leaf, K Code:WD-08518-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Flat-Leaf, T Code:WD-08518-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Self-Adhesive, J Code:WD-08519-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Self-Adhesive, K Code:WD-08519-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Self-Adhesive, T Code:WD-08519-54 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, SS cable Low Cost J Code:WD-08519-66 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Bolt-on, J fiberglass cable Code:WD-08519-84 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| T/C Probe, Bolt-on Surface Stripped ends J Code:WD-08519-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Dropping Surface, Magnetic, J SS Code:WD-08519-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Case for Economy Digi-Sense, waterproof Code:WD-08520-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Low Cost T, SS cable Code:WD-08525-66 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Bolt-on, T fiberglass cable Code:WD-08525-84 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Dropping Surface, Magnetic, T SS Code:WD-08525-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface Low Cost E, SS cable Code:WD-08527-66 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, J, w/Coil Code:WD-08528-21 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, K, w/Coil Code:WD-08528-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Handle, T, w/Coil Code:WD-08528-23 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Handle, K Code:WD-08528-25 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Surface Probe, K Code:WD-08533-63 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Surface Probe, J Code:WD-08533-69 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Probe, Surface, Small Dia. Fast Response, K Code:WD-08533-96 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. E w/miniconnectors Code:WD-08537-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TC Extension Cable, 10ft. E w/standard connectors Code:WD-08537-32 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermocouple Wire,Type-J,24-Gauge,100 feet Code:WD-08541-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermocouple Wire,Type-K,24-Gauge,100 feet Code:WD-08541-09 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermocouple Wire,Type-T,24-Gauge,100 feet Code:WD-08541-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermocouple Wire,Type-J,20-Gauge,100 feet Code:WD-08541-16 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermocouple Wire,Type-K,20-Gauge,100 feet Code:WD-08541-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Thermocouple Wire,Type-T,20-Gauge,100 feet Code:WD-08541-25 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Batteries, AAA 1.5V meter 12pk Code:WD-09376-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Batteries AA, 4pk Code:WD-09376-01 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Batteries C / 4pk Code:WD-09376-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Batteries, 9V, 4pk. Code:WD-09376-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Battery for TechClip, 6pk Code:WD-09376-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Batteries, Testr Replacement, 1.5V, 6/pack Code:WD-09377-16 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter Calibration, T Code:WD-17000-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, RTD Meter Calibration Code:WD-17000-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, thermistor Meter Calibration Code:WD-17000-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter Calibration, J Code:WD-17000-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter Calibration, K Code:WD-17000-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter Calibration, E Code:WD-17000-14 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Probe Calibration, T Code:WD-17001-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, RTD Probe Calibration Code:WD-17001-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, thermistor Probe Calibration Code:WD-17001-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Probe Calibration, J Code:WD-17001-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Probe Calibration, K Code:WD-17001-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Probe Calibration, E Code:WD-17001-14 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter and Probe Calibration T Code:WD-17002-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, RTD Meter and Probe Calibration Code:WD-17002-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, thermistor Meter and Probe Calibration Code:WD-17002-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter and Probe Calibration J Code:WD-17002-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter and Probe Calibration K Code:WD-17002-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, TC Meter and Probe Calibration E Code:WD-17002-14 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL NIST cert, Data Logger Controller, Instrument only Code:WD-17002-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert for Bimetals Code:WD-17003-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, IR Meter Calibration Code:WD-17004-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, IR Probe Calibration Code:WD-17004-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL, IR Meter and Probe Calibration Code:WD-17004-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert, Psychrometer Code:WD-17005-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert, Glass Therm, 2 PTS Code:WD-17006-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert, Glass Therm, 3 PTS Code:WD-17006-03 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert, Glass Therm, 4 PTS Code:WD-17006-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert, Glass Therm, 5 PTS Code:WD-17006-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cal Rh Before/After Data Code:WD-17030-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cal. F/Pressure W/Data Code:WD-17040-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration F/Barometer Code:WD-17040-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration F/Tachometers Code:WD-17050-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration F/Strobes Code:WD-17050-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert F/Timers W/Data Code:WD-17060-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration F/Flowmeters Code:WD-17080-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cal. F/Mass Flowmeters Code:WD-17080-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration F/Multimeters Code:WD-17090-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Certificate, Recorders Code:WD-17100-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Certificate,X-Y Recorder Code:WD-17100-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL 12 Chan. Temp. Scan. Cert. per Channel, Type J Code:WD-17103-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL 12 Chan. Temp. Scan. Cert. per Channel, Type K Code:WD-17103-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL 12 Chan. Temp. Scan. Cert. per Channel, Type T Code:WD-17103-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL 12 Chan. Temp. Scan. Cert. per Channel, Type E Code:WD-17103-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration f/ Pipettes Code:WD-17104-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Calibration f/ Refractometers Code:WD-17105-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| INNOCAL pH meter 5 point. mV Cal. Cert. Code:WD-17106-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| NIST Cert, Hydrometer Code:WD-17107-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 200 Controller Code:WD-19505-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 190 Controller Code:WD-19505-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TDS 200 Controller Code:WD-19505-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TDS 190 Controller Code:WD-19505-15 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 500 Transmitter Code:WD-19505-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 550 Monitor Code:WD-19505-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 560 Controller Code:WD-19505-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 1000 Conductivity Controller 110VAC Code:WD-19506-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 1000 Conductivity Controller 220VAC Code:WD-19506-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RES 1000 Resistivity Controller 110VAC Code:WD-19506-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| RES 1000 Resistivity Controller 220VAC Code:WD-19506-15 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 2000 Controller, Wall-mount, 110/220 VAC Code:WD-19507-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 2000 Controller, Panel-mount, 110/220 VAC Code:WD-19507-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Printer cable, for Benchtop 12 Channel Scanner, 36M/DB25 Code:WD-22050-04 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ORP electrode, Platinum band Code:WD-27018-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ORP electrode, Gold band Code:WD-27018-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Dual Timer Clock, Large Digit Code:WD-35001-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Timer/Clock W/ Nist Cert. Code:WD-35001-78 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TechBoard Code:WD-35001-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Safety TechBoard Code:WD-35001-82 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Economy watertight Stopwatch with Alarm Code:WD-35002-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Stopwatch,Oakton,NIST Certified Code:WD-35002-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TechClip Code:WD-35002-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity/TDS Transmitter without display Code:WD-35150-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity Temperature Probe Code:WD-35150-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter without display Code:WD-35151-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| DO 500 Transmitter Code:WD-35151-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Dissolved Oxygen Probe Code:WD-35201-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 600 Meter / probe Code:WD-35408-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 600 Meter only Code:WD-35408-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 610 Meter / probe Code:WD-35408-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 610 Meter only Code:WD-35408-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 2-cell Conductivity probe, k = 0.1 Code:WD-35408-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 2-cell Conductivity probe, k = 1 Code:WD-35408-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 2-cell Conductivity probe, k = 10 Code:WD-35408-54 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 4-cell Conductivity probe Code:WD-35408-56 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 2-Cell Conductivity probe, Ultem k = 1.0 Code:WD-35408-57 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 2-cell Conductivity probe, k = 0.01 Code:WD-35408-58 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 600 Meter kit Code:WD-35408-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CON 610 Meter kit Code:WD-35408-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 600 Meter / probe Code:WD-35418-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 600 Meter only Code:WD-35418-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ATC Probe for 600/650 series meters, 3 ft cable Code:WD-35418-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ATC Probe for 600/650 series meters, 10 ft cable Code:WD-35418-07 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 610 Meter / probe Code:WD-35418-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 610 Meter only Code:WD-35418-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 620 Meter / probe Code:WD-35418-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 620 Meter only Code:WD-35418-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 600 Meter kit Code:WD-35418-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 610 Meter kit Code:WD-35418-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Power adapter 100-240 VAC Code:WD-35418-83 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Rubber Boot Code:WD-35418-86 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 620 Meter kit Code:WD-35418-90 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| EcoTestr pH 2 Code:WD-35423-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PCTestr 35 Code:WD-35425-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PTTestr 35 Code:WD-35425-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PCSTestr 35 Code:WD-35425-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Replacement Sensor for 35 Series Code:WD-35425-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Temp 10 J Type Thermocouple Thermometer Code:WD-35427-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Temp 10 K Type Thermocouple Thermometer Code:WD-35427-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Temp 10 T Type Thermocouple Thermometer Code:WD-35427-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Protective Rubber Armor For Temp 10 Thermometers Code:WD-35427-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Hands Free kit, magnets, strap (requires 35427-80) Code:WD-35427-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PC 650 Meter / probe Code:WD-35431-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PC 650 Meter only Code:WD-35431-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PC 650 Meter kit Code:WD-35431-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PD 650 Meter / probe Code:WD-35432-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PD 650 Meter only Code:WD-35432-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PD 650 Meter kit Code:WD-35432-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CD 650 Meter / probe Code:WD-35433-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CD 650 Meter only Code:WD-35433-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| CD 650 Meter kit Code:WD-35433-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PCD 650 Meter / probe Code:WD-35434-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PCD 650 Meter only Code:WD-35434-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| PCD 650 Meter kit Code:WD-35434-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe Holder Code:WD-35434-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| DO 600 Meter / probe Code:WD-35441-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| DO 600 Meter only Code:WD-35441-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| DO 600 Meter kit Code:WD-35441-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn Con 6, w/probe Code:WD-35606-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn TDS 6, w/probe Code:WD-35606-15 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn Salt 6, w/probe Code:WD-35606-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe Acorn Con 5 TDS 5 Code:WD-35606-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe K = 0.1 Code:WD-35606-53 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe Acorn Con 6, TDS 6, Salt 6 Code:WD-35606-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Probe K = 10 Code:WD-35606-57 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 6 kit Code:WD-35606-71 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| TDS 6 kit Code:WD-35606-76 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| SALT 6 Kit Code:WD-35606-78 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Protective Rubber Boot f/Acorn Series Meters (Except Temp TC) Code:WD-35606-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, K=1.0 Code:WD-35607-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 11 meter with probe Code:WD-35607-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 110 meter, probe, software Code:WD-35607-45 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 11 Meter kit w cable Code:WD-35607-49 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=1.0 Code:WD-35607-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=10.0 Code:WD-35607-51 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=1.0 Code:WD-35607-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=10.0 Code:WD-35607-53 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Flow-thru Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=1.0 Code:WD-35607-54 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=0.1 Code:WD-35607-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=0.1 Code:WD-35607-56 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 10, 100, and 200 K=0.1, SS Code:WD-35607-57 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Calibration Kit and field case f/Con 10, 100, 200 Code:WD-35607-69 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 11 Meter Kit with probe Code:WD-35607-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 110 Meter Kit, with probe and software Code:WD-35607-85 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 400, w/probe Code:WD-35608-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 410, w/probe Waterproof Con/TDS/Temp Code:WD-35608-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Conductivity Temp. Probe WP Con 400/410 series Code:WD-35608-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 400, 410, K=10.0 Code:WD-35608-51 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 400, 410, K=10.0, Glass, Platinum Code:WD-35608-52 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 400, 410, K=0.1 Code:WD-35608-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Probe for Con 400, 410, K=1.0, 10 ft cable Code:WD-35608-57 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH/CON 510 meter with pH DJGR, Con/Temp. Probe, electrode stand Code:WD-35610-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH/CON 510 meter with electrode stand Code:WD-35610-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Con 510, w/probe and Probe Holder Code:WD-35611-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 5, Temp. probe, pH Probe, Boot Code:WD-35613-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 5, Temp. Probe, Boot Code:WD-35613-01 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Temp. Probe, Acorn pH, Acorn Ion, pH 510, 1100, 2100 Code:WD-35613-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 5 w/FlexipHet General purpose Code:WD-35613-08 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 5 w/FlexipHet Penetration Tip Code:WD-35613-09 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 6, Temp. probe, pH Probe Code:WD-35613-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 6, Temp. Probe Code:WD-35613-11 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn Ion 5 Code:WD-35613-21 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn Ion 6, Temp. Probe Code:WD-35613-31 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ISE Labware Kit Code:WD-35613-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 5, Kit Code:WD-35613-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn pH 6, Kit Code:WD-35613-72 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Acorn Ion 6, Kit, Temp. Probe Code:WD-35613-74 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 11 Meter with 'All-in-one' SJSE pH/Temp probe Code:WD-35614-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 11 meter only Code:WD-35614-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Deluxe pH meter Kit, meter not supplied Code:WD-35614-79 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 11 meter Kit with All-in -One SJSE pH/Temp probe Code:WD-35614-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Temp. Probe, Std Meters, pH 500,1000,2000, 2500 Code:WD-35615-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Replacement electrode holder for handheld meters Code:WD-35615-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 110VAC adapter Code:WD-35615-07 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| 220VAC adapter Code:WD-35615-08 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Computer Cable, 9 pin M, 9 pin F Code:WD-35615-09 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 110 meter plus 'All-in-One' SJSE pH/temp Probe Code:WD-35615-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 110 meter Code:WD-35615-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 110 Meter kit w cable Code:WD-35615-24 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Portable Meter Carrying Case Code:WD-35615-75 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 110 meter kit with SJSE pH/temp probe Code:WD-35615-80 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Electrode Stand Code:WD-35617-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 300 Code:WD-35618-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 300, All-in-One Code:WD-35618-03 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Temp. Probe WP Code:WD-35618-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 300 with Double Junction Glass pH and Temp Probe Code:WD-35618-06 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 300 w/FlexipHet General purpose Code:WD-35618-08 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 310 Code:WD-35618-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 310 All-in-One Code:WD-35618-13 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 300 All-in-one Kit Code:WD-35618-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pH 310 All-in-One kit Code:WD-35618-72 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 310 w/FlexipHet Penetration Tip Code:WD-35618-73 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 510 benchtop pH meter Code:WD-35619-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 510 with All-in-One pH electrode Code:WD-35619-03 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 510, Temp Probe, DJGR pH electrode, Electrode Stand Code:WD-35619-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 510 benchtop pH meter with electrode stand Code:WD-35619-12 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ION 510, Temp Probe, DJGR pH probe, Electrode Stand Code:WD-35619-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ION 510 benchtop pH/ISE meter with electrode stand Code:WD-35619-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| ION 510 with All-in-One, Electrode Stand Code:WD-35619-23 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH Tutor meter with SJGS pH electrode Code:WD-35619-30 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 1100 meter with Temp Probe, DJGR pH probe electrode stand Code:WD-35620-20 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 1100 benchtop pH meter with electrode stand Code:WD-35620-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 2100 meter with Temp Probe, DJGR pH probe electrode stand Code:WD-35621-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pH 2100 benchtop pH/ISE meter with electrode stand Code:WD-35621-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| AC Adapter 110 VAC, 1100 and 2100 series bt Code:WD-35621-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| AC Adapter 220 VAC, 1100 and 2100 series bt Code:WD-35621-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Printer 110VAC Code:WD-35622-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Printer 220VAC Code:WD-35622-05 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| AC Adapter 110 VAC Code:WD-35622-50 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| AC Adapter 220 VAC Code:WD-35622-55 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Printer Cable, 9pinM, 25pinM Code:WD-35622-59 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Printer Ribbon Code:WD-35622-60 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Replacement printer paper Code:WD-35622-62 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Continuous Monitor, pH, 110VAC Code:WD-35623-00 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pHTestr 1 Code:WD-35624-02 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP DJ pHTestr 1 Code:WD-35624-03 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Elect. WP DJ pHTestr 1 Code:WD-35624-08 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Elect. WPpHTestr 1.. PLEASE see WD-35624-08 Code:WD-35624-09 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP pHTestr 2 Code:WD-35624-22 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| WP DJ pHTestr 2 Code:WD-35624-23 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Elect. WP DJ pHTestr 2 Code:WD-35624-28 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Elect. WPpHTestr 2 Code:WD-35624-29 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Repl. Elect. WP DJ pHTestr 3 and 3+ Code:WD-35624-38 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Beltloop Testr Carry Case Code:WD-35624-45 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| pHTestr Calibration kit Code:WD-35624-70 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Collar & O-Ring for WP Testrs Code:WD-35624-91 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| IR, TempTestr IR with Laser Code:WD-35625-10 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| IR, TempTestr IR Food with Laser Code:WD-35625-15 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Food Safety IR thermometer Code:WD-35625-40 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none
| Food Safety IR thermometer, economy version Code:WD-35625-41 Price:
Quantity in Basket: none